Category: Aktualności
Hits: 995

Dear Students!

If you want to register for vaccination against COVID-19, you can find the information here --> click (scroll down for English).

How can you register for vaccination against COVID-19 if you do not have a PESEL number?

E-referrals are automatically issued for subsequent age groups, according to the year of birth. They are, therefore, issued to individuals who have a PESEL number and can check it using their online patient accounts (Internetowe Konto Pacjenta).

What about people who do not have a PESEL number because they are foreigners, but they have the right of residence because they work or study here or their family members live in Poland?

Regardless of whether:

you should talk to you GP.

How e-referrals are issued by GPs

A GP has the right and is required to issue a referral for vaccination using the application. When issuing the referral, in the field “patient’s data”, the GP should select “Other identifier” (instead of “PESEL Number”) and enter the number of the identity document used by the eligible foreigner. Ideally, this should be a passport number or foreign identity card.

Do not forget to take your identity document with you the details of which were provided by your GP. Remember to use exactly the same identity document that was used to issue the e-referral, at every stage of the vaccination process.

Using the e-referral issued in the system, you can register for vaccination in one of the following ways:

Vaccination against COVID-19 for foreigners legally residing in Poland is free of charge.

You can register for vaccination at the appropriate time as specified in the schedule of vaccination for individual age groups.

Check when the registration process for your age group starts.