Category: Erasmus Partner Countries
Hits: 779

The information about number of scholarships is available at the International Offices or Erasmus Coordinators of partner Universities.

LUT’s deadline for staff mobility for teaching application for winter semester of 2022/2023 academic year is 1 September 2022.


Application Procedure:

  1. The first stage of qualification takes place at a partner University – please consult the home university about formal requirements
  2. Check qualification deadline and formal requirements at the home university. Prepare necessary application documents (Application Form and Staff Mobility for Teaching Agreement) available here. Since the language of instruction is English, your documents should also be completed in English
  3. The documents of the accepted candidates must be sent to LUT by a partner University
  4. The second stage of qualification takes place at LUT, where application documents are verified
  5. International Education Officer contacts the candidate to confirm his/her participation
  6. Having confirmed the participation of the candidate an Acceptance Letter is issued


Having received an Acceptance Letter, each teacher have to send to International Education Officer (Ms Karolina Mazur, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the following documents:

  1. Copy/scan of a current passport
  2. Copy/scan of medical and accident insurance covering the period of travel and stay at LUT


Financial Agreements

Every teacher qualified to participate in the mobility at LUT signs the written agreement, where the conditions for travelling abroad and its financing are specified. The project of agreement is prepared by OIE staff and sent via email to the teacher, who is supposed to send two signed copies of the agreement (both Polish and English version) via regular post to the Office of International Education address:

Karolina Mazur, MA

Office of International Education, Lublin University of Technology

Ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin, Poland



LUT will pay out to the teacher a scholarship for 5 days of stay at LUT plus 2 days of travel taking place directly before and after mobility period. Additionally, LUT will pay out travel distance allowance to the teacher, counted on the basis of EU distance calculator (

Scholarship is paid in euros on the first day of mobility at LUT (usually Monday), provided the fact that the participant delivers all application documents on time and accepts all the conditions specified in the financial agreement.


Practical arrangements

After receiving an Acceptance Letter, each teacher needs to apply for a visa to the appropriate consulate or embassy.

If the original Acceptance Letter or fax is required please contact OIE staff.

The acceptance within Erasmus+ teaching mobility does not mean the automatic acceptance of accommodation. The further details regarding Erasmus+ teaching mobility will be sent to participants via email.